No BIG BANG without a proper swinging brass band. This edition, La Murga Armada will parade through the corridors. A street band that gets its groove from Latin American music and fanfare tradition. And then carnival is never far away.
Enrique Noviello is the charismatic bandleader singer and saxophonist. He brings together trombone, trumpet, guitar, sousaphone, accordion and drums into a festive mix of Latin and ska. Together, the seven band members prove how contagious the Murga really is. Are you resistant to the virus?
saxophone & vocals Enrique Noviello
trombone & vocals Loes Minnebo
guitar & vocals Ken ‘Pistache’ Pichal
trumpet & vocals Angel Calvo Perez
sousaphone Gregory Van Seghbroeck
accordion Jamilo Milogro
drums Damian Alvarez Castro