MANIPULA#SOUND is a visual concert based on the circus. The project’s artistic language springs from the dialogue between the manipulation of objects and interactive music. We add the dimension of sound to the visual expression of juggling and, simultaneously, we approach sound as a substance that can be sculpted and manipulated.
The manipulator’s gesture appears in its most refined form, ready to unleash sequences, mechanisms, rhythms and other sound and visual patterns. The objects are transformed and recreated around us. Our bodies relate to them, and play...
All of this is heard and composed!
António Oliveira Artistic direction António Oliveira Performance Julieta Rodrigues Dramaturgy and outside look Nuno Guedes and Rui Azevedo Set design Pedro Teixeira Lighting design Tiago Ângelo and Tiago Ralha Sound design Vasco Gomes Audio operation Rui Azevedo Light operation Julieta Rodrigues Costume design Joana Araújo Narration Rui Azevedo Technical direction Teresa Couto and Luís Camanho Photography
Coproduction Centro Cultural de Belém, Rivoli Teatro Municipal and Radar 360º Associação Cultural
Support Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Teatro Municipal do Porto, Circolando