The world of Meredith Monk
In her New York apartment lives a turtle. With her inquisitive mind, she wondered, 'What could he be dreaming about?' 'Does he ever think about things?' 'And if so, about what?' And 'would it be possible to create a performance about turtle dreams?'
Inspired by the vocal artist Meredith Monk, singer Naomi Beeldens explores the endless possibilities of the voice in this music room. Just try to sing Heydldiedendo without tripping over your tongue.
Performance Naomi Beeldens
Composition Meredith Monk & Karel Stulens
Direction Ine Van Baelen
Concept & Elaboration in collaboration with Karel Stulens & Zonzo Compagnie.
BIG BANG Antwerp 22 - © Nika Prokopenka