Wednesday 09 - Sunday 13
Oct 2024

For the second year running, Sustenidos Social Organisation for Culture is holding the international Big Bang festival, a festive ode to music and sound art for children and young people. Presented on 9, 11, 12 and 13 October 2024 at the Theatro Municipal de São Paulo and the Conservatório de Música e Teatro de Tatuí, Big Bang is curated by Nelson Soares, a member of the Minas Gerais duo O Grivo, and Wouter van Looy, the Belgian artist who created the festival and is the director of Zonzo Compagnie. Tickets are free.

With shows from Belgium and Brazil, the festival promises to provide the public with a complete experience of musical performances, sound installations, parades and concerts, in spaces that are transformed into veritable musical labyrinths.