Mural da História Comum (Mural of Common History)

Companhia de Música Teatral
Mural da historia comum

“Where were you on April 25th?” is an iconic question and could be the starting question that children and young people ask their grandparents or other older people in the community, leading to share what it was like to “wake up to freedom” after a long period of repression. The question aims to make “common stories” known and heard. From these “common stories” we intend to raise many questions, but above all a daily-philosophical reflection on Freedom and the care it needs to survive.

Reflecting all of this in images and sounds through a participatory process, promoting a transgenerational artistic experience that involves the community is the “journey” that we intend to take at Fábrica das Artes. We propose to collect and record reports of episodes, poems, songs, “sound material” produced during workshops with different audiences, and with this create a soundscape that gives “voice” to the images on the mural.


conception Companhia de Música Teatral
coproduction Fábrica das Artes do Centro Cultural de Belém, Casa das Artes de Vila Nova de Famalicão, Cineteatro Louletano
mediating Artists of the participatory project Jorge Graça (Fábrica das Artes, CCB), Mafalda Milhões (Fábrica das Artes, CCB), Mariana Miguel (Cineteatro Louletano), Matilde Milhões (Fábrica das Artes, CCB), Rita Roberto (Cineteatro Louletano) 
creation of objects and scenic spaces Mafalda Milhões, Miguel Ferraz, Matilde Milhões, Paulo Maria Rodrigues, Rita Roberto
artistic direction Paulo Maria Rodrigues
project management Céu Santos
assessoria financeira Artur Silva
general coordination Helena Rodrigues   
communication management Mariana Vences
communication design Mafalda Maia